necessary to order the Militia of this County on duty to guard
the frontier on the Bay Shore &c. which they chearfully com-
plycd with but picviuus (hereto were under a necessity of
making application for arms & ammunition. We were in
hopes that when it came to the test we should find many of
them prepared with private property in ammunition, but in
this find we were deceived. There remained with us a barrel
of powder and some ball sent from new town last fall by the
Council of Safety, which we have distributed tho it appears to
be very indifferent and not such as we think men ought to
hazard their lives with this has gone but a small way in sup-
plying the Companies. The people grew exceedingly clam-
orous. We have been under a necessity of distributing what
little we have of private property, but the whole put together
would scarce make three rounds a piece for the companies.
To what lengths they may go if not shortly supplyed we can-
not say, but fear when they find that upon repeated applica-
tions, they are not supplied with the means of defence they
may despond & tamely submit to such ravages as these Bar-
barians may think proper to commit. From the late conduct
of the men of our County we have not the least doubt of their
spirit and firmness and are fully satisfied they will make a bold
and resolute stand in defence of the liberties of their country
if properly furnished with Arms and ammunition. We are
dayly in expectation of another visit from the enemy and have
therefore thought it our indispensible duty to lay the weak &
defenceless state of our county before you not doubting but
that on your being thus truly informed of our situation you
will immediately order us such a supply of Arms & Ammuni-
tion as may be necessary for the defence of the County as
without it we shall be under the dreadful necessity of sub-
mitting to such depredations as our enemies may think proper
to commit, It is currently reported and believed here that the
arms and ammunition for this province are arrived at Phila-
delphia and if this report is true, and we cannot (in our dis-
tressed situation) be more expeditiously supplyed we would
undertake by your direction to send a Waggon or two to
Philadelphia for arms and ammunition if you think proper to
give an order for the delivery of them to us: Captain Wool-
ford has now upwards of eighty men of his Company enlisted,
are a daily expence to the province and in their present situa-
tion of no real service there being but one man of the whole
that has a gun. We beg leave to report to you that Mr Thomas
Ennalls nominated as the supervisor of our Salt Petre works
has refused to act. We have advertised for another and as
soon as the vacancy is filled shall inform you.
We are Genl with regard & Esteem Your obl hum Servt
Signed p order of the Committee of observation.
James Murray :
C. S. C.