with the rest of the field officers of said Batta and we unani-
mously agreed to recommend Mr William Ritchie as a man
well calculated to fill up the place if he should meet with your
approbation we pray that a Commission may Issue and be
transmitted with the above. C. B.
[Petition of Frederick Company.]
To the Council of Safety of Maryland.
The' petition of Sundry the freeholders and Inhabitants of
Frederick County who compose the Company to which Colo
Charles Beatty was formerly elected Captain and Colo Baker
Johnson first Lieutenant the removal of whom to their present
appointments have occasioned vacancys. We theretore to
render the Company compleat, and that it may exercise in
Batalion as directed by the resolves of the convention have
gone into a choice of officers to fill the vacancies above men-
tioned and have appointed Mr John Adlum Captain John Fer-
guson first Lieutenant, Christian Weaver second Lieutenant
and Thomas Beatty Ensign. If those gentlemen meet with
your approbation, of which we have but little doubt, we hope
that Commissions may issue and be transmitted to Col. Charles
Beatty by the first opportunity. Signed pr order,
William Ritchie Clk.