[Harford Committee to Council.]
Gentlemen. As the Convention of this province has ordered
to disband the Companys of minute men and that the Com-
mittees of the Countys pay off the said Companys, for which
purpose money will be wanting as well as to comply with some
contracts for arms that this Committee has agreed for & for
which long since the money was requested but the Amount
has never yet been had, for the enabling of this committee to
comply with the above we would hope your Honours will fur-
nish this Committee with four hundred pounds by Mr Thomas
Hall for the purpose aforesaid, Accounts of which & for the
faithfully laying out the same shall be rendered to the next
Convention of this province. Signed by order of the Com-
mittee. Aquila Hall chairn Committee
Harford Town in Committee March 4th 1776.
Pay the above order to Capt Robert Harris. Thos Hall
[Calvert Committee to Council.]
Calvert County March 4th 1776.
In Committee of observation. This Committee agreeable
to the request of the Honble the Council of Safety do inform
their honours, that at Drum Point (near the mouth of Patuxent)
their are two dwelling houses with fire places to each & a
Storehouse & very near thereto a school house on the river
side which the Proprietors are ready & willing should be used
by Capt Beales men & this Committee offer it as their opinion,
that that is the properest place for the troops to be stationed
at in this County. Signed pr order
E Johnson Clk pr tempore
[Stricker to Council.]
Frederick Town March the 4th 1776.
Gentlemen: The man who had the Blankets for sale in this
Town could not stay to know your answer to my letter; I have
therefore taken them, as I knew of none elsewhere to be had.
I hope you will excuse my conduct in so doing as well as the
liberty I have taken to give him an order on the paymaster
for the money The Blankets were already engaged, but he
let me have them to oblige the province. The amount of the
money I have given an order for, is eighty nine pounds four-
teen shillings for seventy eight Blankets :
I am gentlemen with due respect your obliged
huml Servt George Stricker: