[Steward to Wallace.]
Dr Charles. Saturday the 20 of January
I have long been thinking of a mashen of sum sort to save
your town I think I have now fell on one that shall with stand
against any ship in the navey that they can trust before your
town the mashen must float and carey 20 18 pounders it must
be about 108 feet long 32 feet or less broad 5 1/2 feet deep the
sides and ends to be glasaded so that the men shall fight
under cover and the sides and ends canon profe, this mashen
I think may be completed in two months at the expense of
2500£ or less the friendship I have from yourself & Tome
Hide and Tome Herwood has partly emploid my mind this
six weeks past. If the commetey of safety thinks well of this
mater there is no time to be lost and you must come down to
me to morrow morning as I cant wait neather on you nor the
comitey in all next week, if this mashen or floating batrey can
be got redey in time I think it will save your town from any
thing that can be dun to it by sea. Every man of you must
atend to this matter as one hundred men may be emploed.
I am Charles with sencer
Respect yours S. Steward
You must get John Saverson to rede this for I Cant,
this mashen may allways keep a Propeatill fier on the enemy
as there must be two canon in each end and 8 on each side
she may carey 52 swivels on her sides and ends to prevent her
being boarded. My friend I think ill used both Congress and
convention the congress gave them ships to build to men that
nose nothing of the business Jack Steward you no has been
used ill by convention but still I am ready to serve my country
in every degree that lys in my power.
If any opportunity send Tome Johnson a copy of this to day
as he desired I would think of this sort to save the town.
To Charles Wallace.