104 Journal and Correspondence
C. S. J.
Mr J. Middleton agreed to furnish a Boat for the like pur-
poses and on the same Terms as Captain Pitt and received his
Instructions accordingly.
Ordered, That Captain William Hyde furnish the Council
of Safety with an Account of the Province Arms & Accoutre-
ments delivered him last Spring, of the Condition of the same,
and in whose Hands they are; and that he do not permit the
same or any of them to be removed or carried from the City
of Annapolis.
A Copy of the Letter (No. 3) relative to placing Obstruc-
tions in the Channel of this River was sent to Mr Stephen
Steward, and a Copy of the Letter (No 4) to Mr William
Council adjourns till tomorrow morning 1/2 after 9 o'clock.
C. S. C.
No. 3.
[Council to Steward.]
To Mr Stephen Steward, West River
Sir. 22d Jany. 1776
The Council of Safety are informed that you have been at
Philadelphia, and are acquainted with the Method the Com-
mittee have taken there to prevent the Approach of Men of
War and armed Vessels to that City. As the Convention
have resolved that the sum of five thousand nine hundred
pounds be appropriated to fortify Annapolis and place Obstruc-
tions in the Channel of the River, the Council would be glad
to see you and take your Opinion on any Plans or Designs
that may be thought necessary for carrying the Resolution of
the Convention into Execution. Mr Wallace has been so
kind as to lay before us your letter of the 20th Inst on which
we shall be glad to confer with you.
C. S. C.
No. 4.
[Council to Roberts.]
To William Roberts Esq. Mayor of the City of Annapolis.
Sir. 22d Jany. 1776
A company of Artillery or Matrosses was ordered to be
raised particularly for the City of Annapolis — this is a matter
of Consequence to all the Inhabitants, we therefore choose to
consult the Corporation with regard to the Officers, and should
be obliged to you to call a Corporation some day this Week,
or the next at furthest and let us know who that respectable
Body would recommend to us as proper persons for Captain
and three Lieutenants.