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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 556   View pdf image (33K)
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556 Correspondence of Governor Sharpe.

your Province, as he shall demand, as their Quota, towards
compleating the Regular Regiments, which have been sent to
America for the Defence & Protection of the Possessions of
His Majesty's Subjects there; And the King cannot doubt
but that the Provinces will chearfully & readily comply with
this reasonable Demand so obviously calculated for their own
Security & Advantage, at the same Time that Your Zeal for
His Majesty's Service will naturally excite you to use all your
Influence & Power in bringing effectually to bear a Measure,
which His Majesty has so much at Heart, and with Regard to
which any Failure or Disappointment would be extremely
I am, with great Truth & Regard
Your most obedient
humble Servant
Deputy Governor of Maryland.


[Lord Egremont to Sharpe.]

Whitehall Decemr 12th 1761.
As the King has nothing so much at Heart, as to secure
and improve the great and important Advantages, gained
since the Commencement of this War in Noo America, and
having seen His good Dispositions, to restore the Publick
Tranquility, entirely frustrated, by the Insincerity & Chicane
of the Court of Versailles in the late Negociation; and as
nothing can so effectually contribute to the great and essential
Object of reducing the Enemy to the necessity of accepting a
Peace, on Terms of Glory and Advantage to His Majesty's
Crown, and beneficial in particular to His Subjects in America,
as the King's being enabled to employ, as immediately as may
be, such part of the Regular Forces in North America, as may
be adequate to some great and important Enterprize against
the Enemy; I am commanded to signify to you the King's
Pleasure, that, in order the better to provide for the full and
entire Security of His Majesty's Dominions in North America,
and particularly of the Possession of His Majesty's Conquests
there, during the Absence of such Part of the Regular Forces,
you do forthwith use your utmost Endeavours and Influence
with the Council and Assembly of your Province, to induce
them to raise, with all possible Dispatch, within your Govern-
ment, as large a Body of Men, as the Number and Situation of
It's Inhabitants may allow; (And I am particularly commanded
by the King to acquaint you, that His Majesty expects, that

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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 556   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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