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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 557   View pdf image (33K)
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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 557
your Province will not obstinately persist in refusing to comply
with their Duty to the King on this Head; a Behaviour, which
cannot fail to incur His Majesty's just Displeasure;) and,
forming the same into Regiments, as far as shall be found
convenient, That you do direct them to hold themselves in
readiness, and particularly as much earlier, than former years,
as maybe, to march to such Place, or Places, in North America,
as His Majesty's Commander in Chief there, or the Officer
who shall be appointed to command the King's Forces in those
Parts, shall appoint, in order to be employed there, under the
Supreme Command of His Majesty's said Commander in Chief,
or of the Officer to be appointed as above, in such manner as
from the Circumstances and situation of the Enemy's Posts,
and the State and Disposition of the Indian Nations, on
that Side, he may judge most conducive to the King's Service ;
And the better to facilitate this important Service, The King
is pleased to leave it to you to issue Commissions to such
Gentlemen in your Province, as you shall judge, from their
Weight and Credit with the People, and their Zeal for the
Publick Service, may be best disposed, and enabled, to quicken
and effectuate the speedy Levying of the greatest Number of
Men; In the Disposition of which Commissions, I am per-
suaded, you will have nothing in view, but the Good of the
King's Service, and a due Subordination of the whole to His
Majesty's Commander; And all Officers of the Provincial
Forces, as high as Colonels, inclusive, are to have Rank,
according to their several respective Commissions, agreable
to the Regulations contained in His late Majesty's Warrant of
the 30th December 1757 which has been renewed by His
present Majesty.
The King is further pleased to furnish all the Men, so raised
as above, with Arms, Ammunition, and Tents, as well as to
order Provisions to be issued to the same, by His Majesty's
Commissaries, in the same Proportion, and Manner, as is done
to the rest of the King's Forces; The whole therefore, that the
King expects and requires from the several Provinces is, the
Levying, Cloathing and Pay of the Men; and on these Heads
also, that no Encouragement may be wanting to the fullest
Exertion of your Force, His Majesty is farther most graciously
pleased to permit me to acquaint you, that strong Recom-
mendations will be made to Parliament, in their Session next
year, to grant a proper Compensation for such Expences as
above, according as the active Vigour & strenuous Efforts of the
respective Provinces shall justly appear to merit.
It is His Majesty's Pleasure, that you do, with particular
Diligence, immediately collect, and put into the best Condition,
all the Arms issued last Campaign, which can be any ways

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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 557   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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