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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 555   View pdf image (33K)
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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 555

Number of Points in the manner abovementioned but even
with regard to the Expence it is by no means evident to us
that it will be more expensive actually to run the Tangent than
to run so many Setts off of such considerable Length as sev-
eral of them must necessarily be. In the Letter which I desire
you to present to His Ldp I have beg'd the favour of him to
signify to me whether he would have us in order to dispatch
the Business employ two Setts of Surveyors at the same time,
Some of them on the Tangent Line & others on the Northern
Boundary, since it is now manifest that unless the Weather
should be much more favourable next Summer to the Survey-
ors than it hath been this Summer we shall be under a Neces-
sity of applying again for a Prolongation of the time allowed
for carrying the Articles of Agreement into Execution. As
we found upon Trial that the Sector you were pleased to send
me is far from being truly divided or graduated, of which you
may easily satisfy yourself by trying it with a Pair of Dividers,
& by comparing it with others are apt to think it is rather
over-measure I think it my Duty to return it that you may if
you please insist on the Maker's exchanging it for a just one
which we should be glad to have stamped with the Tower
Mark as Proof of its being exact standard measure. Having
nothing more worthy notice to communicate to you at present
& no Letter to answer for that dated the 10th of June was the
last I had the Pleasure to receive from you I shall only add
that I am with great Regard &c.

Letter Bk. IV

[Lord Egremont to Sharpe.]

Whitehall Decr 12th 1761.
The King having taken into His most serious Consideration,
how highly essential it is to the Interests & Security of His
Subjects in North America, that the regular Regiments, serving
in that Country, be recruited with all convenient Expedition to
their full Complement of Effectives, and at the same Time
seeing the impracticability of compleating them from Great
Britain, considering how this Country is drained by the great
Number of Men furnished for the various Services in all Parts
of the World; I am therefore to signify to you the King's
Pleasure that you do immediately on the Receipt of this Letter
exert your utmost Influence to induce Your Province, to carry
into the most speedy & most effectual Execution this very
important Object, by immediate Compliance with any Requi-
sition, which Sir Jefferey Amherst shall in Consequence of His
Majesty's Orders, make for furnishing, on certain Conditions,
which he will explain to you, such a Number of Recruits from


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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 555   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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