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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 554   View pdf image (33K)
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554 Correspondence of Governor Sharpe.

Letter Bk. III due to us, as soon as I receive an answer to my Letter I will
write to Br William of which I beg the favour of you at the
same time that you present my Love to advise him, Lest the
Genl should think fit to ask for a Copy of the Bill of Expences
amounting to £719.15.6 Currency which Brother William
tells me was given in to the Treasury in my name I beg the
favour of you to send me a Copy by the first Opportunity, &
I shall be much obliged to you for letting me know as soon as
possible what is the amount of the Expence of Negotiating
the Affair that I may order Stoppages for Defraying it, I
cannot sufficiently express my Thankfulness to Br William
Brother Joshua & Yourself for the Sollicitude you have shewn
to serve me on this occasion but you will I hope believe that I
shall always remember such Instances of Your Kindness &
that I am Dr Sr Yr mo sincere & affate Br
Letter Bk. IV
p. 218
[Sharpe to Calvert.]

Annapolis 13th Novr 1761.
With a Triplicate of the Letter I addressed to you the 22d
of Ocf I now send you a Copy of the Commissioners two last
Minutes by which you will perceive that the Surveyors having
continued the Meridian or North Line as far up the Peninsula
as was necessary & having also run a Line from Newcastle
till it intersected the Meridian or North Line the Commis-
sioners measured the Angle made by those two Lines at the
Point of Intersection & then proceeded to make the necessary
Calculations for finding the true Course of the Tangent which
it seems must be set off & extended westward of the Meri-
dian Line lately run so as at the Middle Point to make an
Angle therewith of Three Degrees Thirty two Minutes & five
Seconds, & unless we receive contrary orders the Surveyors
will be instructed to proceed next April to the Middle Point &
set off accordingly. The Pennsylvania Gentn did indeed inti-
mate to us that they thought it might be sufficient by means
of Setts off from every fourth fifth or sixth mile Post in the
Meridian Line to find & mark out sundry Points in the Direc-
tion or Course of the supposed Tangent instead of actually
running or describing that Line but as His Ldp's Commis-
sioners are of Opinion that unless the Boundary Line is run
& destinguished from one End to the other by visible Marks
neither the Sheriffs nor Farmers nor even the Tenants them-
selves will know in which Province every Tract of Land lies
they conceive it was His Ldp's Intention to have a Line really
run in order to prevent future Disputes tho the running such
Tangent Line should cost more than it would to find a certain

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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 554   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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