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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 553   View pdf image (33K)
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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 553

Branch or to the first Fountain of the South Branch of Potow-
mack River I shall not at present trouble Your Ldp with any
thing more on that subject, but only add that I am My Ld &c.
Letter Bk. IV
[Sharpe to Amherst.]

Annapolis the 12th of Novr 1761.
Having a few Days ago received a Letter from England
advising me that by a Man of War which was about to sail in
June last for New York would be transmitted to Your Excel-
lency a Report that the Earl of Loudoun Majr Genl Aber-
crombie & Brigr Stanwix were pleased to make to the Rt
honble the Lds Commrsof the Treasury upon some Memorials
& Accounts which having been by me sent to Mr Secy Pitt had
by their Ldp's been referred to those Generals I take the
Liberty to express to Your Excellency my hopes that you
have e'er this time received such Report & that approving
thereof you will be pleased to give orders for the Payment of
the several Sums therein reported to be due to the Officers &
Men who sometime since composed the Maryland Troops, to
Mr Ross the Commissary who victualled them & to myself.
If Your Excellency will be so kind as to favour me with an
answer & signify to me what farther Steps we must take in
order to bring this Affair to a Conclusion you will extremely
oblige him who is with great Respect & Regard
Yr Exys

[Sharpe to Philip Sharpe.]

Anns 13th Novr 1761. Dr Br You have I hope e'er this received the Lettr I sent you the
Beginning of August last inclosing a Bill of Exchange drawn
by St Bordley on Wm Perkins for £10. 10 Another by Geo
Steuart on Wm Anderson for £75. 10. 10 & my order on Mr
Grove for a Ballance of about £70. I now remit you sundry
Bills amounting to the Sum of £499. 18 which when paid you
will place to Account as desired by a Letter I wrote to you the
29th of last Month. I had three Days ago the Satisfaction to
receive a Letter from Brother William dated the 24th of July
together with the several Papers which were therewith trans-
mitted whereupon I wrote to Genl Amherst desiring to know
what farther Steps are to be taken by the Maryland Officers,
D Ross & Myself in order to obtain the Sums reported by
Lord Loudoun Genl Abercrombie & Brigr Stanwix to be justly

Letter Bk. III

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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 553   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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