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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 552   View pdf image (33K)
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552 Correspondence of Governor Sharpe.

Letter Bk. IV satisfied that the Tangent Line when run will make an Angle
of Three Degrees thirty two minutes & five Seconds westward
with the Meridian Line already run & ought if no Error has
been or shall be committed to terminate in the Perephery of
the Circle round Newcastle at the Extremity of a Radius or
Twelve Mile Line run westward from the Center of Newcastle
Court House in such a Direction as to make an Angle of
nineteen Degrees three Minutes & fifty five Seconds with the
Line of Intersection already run. The Commissioners have
thereupon agreed that the said Radius shall be forthwith run
which is as much as can possibly be executed this Season, and
the Pennsylvania Gentlemen or at least Some of them think it
will not be necessary actually to run the Tangent but that it
may suffice to make Offsetts from the Meridian Line at the
Distance of every four or five Miles from each other & by that
means find out & ascertain several Points in or near the true
Course of the Tangent & seem to think it might in order to
save Your Ldp & Messrs Penns some Expence be left to the
Tenants to run a real Line between such Points. If Your
Ldp is of Opinion that the finding such Points will sufficiently
answer the End which Your Ldp & Messrs Penns had in view
& that it can be done at less Expence than will attend the run-
ning of a real Tangent Line it is hoped your Ldp will be
pleased to have as much signified to Your Commissioners ;
but if it is expedient & indeed we conceive it is that a real
Tangent Line should be run as a visible Boundary it will we
apprehend be best to begin & run it from the Middle Point in
the Direction or Course represented by the Line M T in which
Case no Offsetts from the Meridian Line already run need be
made unless perhaps one or two in order to prove the Truth
of the Surveyors Work as for Instance from the Tenth &
Twentyeth mile Posts. If your Ldp is very desirous to have
all the Lines run with the utmost Dispatch It would I presume
be as well to employ two Setts of Surveyors at once One Sett
to run the Tangent the other Sett to run the North Boundary
& if the Transit Instrument arrives in time the Commissioners
may about the middle of April set them all to work & much
Business be done if the weather should be favourable by the
End of next Summer but the Expence will indeed be very
heavy for I believe what hath been already done will cost your
Ldp very near a Thousand Pounds. As I presume that Mr
Calvert will apply for Your Ldp's Instructions to us on what
I mentioned to him in my Letter of the 22d of last month rela-
tive to the finding & ascertaining a Point fifteen miles South
of Philaa from which the Northern Boundary may be begun &
respecting the Extension of such Boundary Westward either
to the Meridian of the Westernmost Spring of the North

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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 552   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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