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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 551   View pdf image (33K)
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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 551

or nearly so to the Number of names that subscribe the Petition.
I am
Your most obedient and most
humble servant
Lieutenant Governor of Maryland.

[Sharpe to Baltimore.]

Annapolis the 12th of Novemr 1761
My Lord
Finding by the Naval Officers Accounts which have been
already returned to me that the Amount of the One Shilling
pr Hhd collected last year is more than £2000. I embrace this
Opportunity not knowing but it may be some time before
another Ship will sail to remit your Lclp Bills of Excha to the
Amount of £1000.. 3.. 4 & your Ldp may depend that by the
first Opportunity after I shall get an Account from the Naval
Officer of Pocomoke I will do myself the honour to inclose
Your Ldp my own Account properly stated & also a Bill of
Exchange for the Surplus over & above the Sum of £1000.
According to our last Advices from N Y the Troops supposed
to be destined for an Expedition agst Martinico had not
embarked the 3d Inst & it was said they would not embark
untill the General should receive farther Instructions from

Letter Bk. IV
p. 215

[Sharpe to Baltimore.] Annapolis the 12th Novr 1761 —
My Lord
At the same time that I transmit a Triplicate of a Letter
which I had the honour to address to Your Ldp the 22d of last
Month when the Commrs were at Newcastle I inclose Your
Ldp a Draft or Sketch which will serve to shew what hath been
already done in pursuance of the Commissions that Your Ldp
& the Proprietors of Pennsylvania were last Year pleased to
send to Governor Hamilton & Myself together with the
Articles of Agreement. The Dotted Line marked M A as
well as the Line A C having been actually run & carefully
measured & the Angle M A C accurately taken Those of the
Commissioners on each Side who were skilful in such Matters
proceeded to make the necessary Calculations for Discovering
& Ascertaining the true Course of the Tangent & upon their
exhibiting their several Calculations the Commissioners were

p. 216

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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 551   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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