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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 548   View pdf image (33K)
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548 Correspondence of Governor Sharpe.

and compensation to him; And further His Lordp Notes him
in his Instns pleased with his Letr recdfrom him, and expressed
to me his dislike not have8 no return from all others for his
kindness to them. I have had no conversation with Mr Dulany
on Our private transactions I shall show my Lord his Opinion

given you. Inclosed is a Letr to Mr Bordley under Loose seal
for your delivery, if you approve, close and give it him; I have
not heard from him. My Irregular answers to yours is occa-
sioned by Irregular receiving yrs I much thank you for yr
remittances in yrs the 4th of March and 3d of Augt to the 10th Do
Mr Secy Pitt in his full Glory has resign'd the Seals of Secy of
state. Yr several Letrs are delivered to his Lordp and yr friends.
Octr 23d closing
Mr Macnamara comes in informes that from Letr Mr Dulany
at Bath is worse, the water; not agree6 with him. Yr Brother
Wm & Dyson sworn & comission'd to execute the Privy Seal ;
he is gone to Bath, I have well instructed him of D ——— Mr
Pitt's resignation seems to a stem'd the Administ" he is a pecu-
liar Instance of Popularity, altho his proposition supposed to be
War with Spain, to which all the Council was agt him yet by
his resignation, from general Applause although very very
deserving, Envy steps in, Nobility & Land men thwart his
Prosperity & bring on the Crown great Dilemma, and tho the
King gives great reward for his merit to him, yet vox populi
seems Vox Dei. No success without him.

Letter Bk. IV
p. 212
[Sharpe to Baltimore.]

Newcastle on Delaware 22d Oct. 1761.
My Lord
The Commissioners who are appointed to carry into Execu-
tion the Articles of Agreement which were last year entered
into by Your Ldp & the Proprietors of Pennsylvania having
been informed that there was a Telescopic Instrument called a
Transit Instrument made in London 12 or 14 years ago on
purpose for running a Meridian Line thro Salesbury Plain to
the Northmost Part of Scotland & also the Parallel of London
thro the Kingdom of Great Britain (which Work was to have
been carried on under the Patronage of His Royal Highness
the late Prince Frederick) Governor Hamilton & I are desired
to advise Your Ldp & the Proprietors of Pennsylvania of the
Commissioners opinion that if this Instrument can be pur-
chased or borrowed & transmitted hither before we begin to
run the Line that is to be the Northern Boundary of Maryland
the Execution of the Articles might be greatly expedited &
That Line be more accurately & truly described than it can be
by any other Method which hath yet occurred or been pro-


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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 548   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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