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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 547   View pdf image (33K)
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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 547

such Persons tend to none but such as are to their Advantage.
The change of Instns happen'd not as I conceive from Mr Du-
lany, I know not he has seen him, his Lordp told me he had
call'd on him But not seen him, he made me a Visit with two
youths stay'd not long, no material discourse happened; few
days after I was with him, Doctor Fothergill his Physician was
there, adviced him for Bath, he seem'd much out of order, told
me he had a Large Packet from you to me wh as soon as he
got from Ship Board he would send, spoke kindly and said his
non-attendance at inning the Lines proceeded from want of
Health, triffling discourse followed;! entered upon nothing
material, resting till I had seen his Lordp and your Packet,
which a few days after he sent; upon perusing,I carried Both
the Journals of the Houses &ca to his Lordp and upon Explan-
atory with him thereon, he desired I would invite Mr Dulany
to dine with him this was of a Saturday, Accordingly a
Monday I intended waiting on him But being ill prevented
me, Mr Macnamara coming in said he should see Mr Dulany
that afternoon, I desired my Complts to him and that I would
wait on him the next Morning, Accordingly I went, on
approach to his Lodgings in Fenchurch street I met Mr An.
derson's son, who told me Mr Dulany was that morning gone
to Bath, and steping to Mr Anderson he said the same and
said, he told him he wod call upon my Lord that morning in
his way, that he Believed him Sker'd by his Physician and
with fancy of a gathering in his side, he Lives on thinn Broth;
on my return, I meet Mr Macnamara who was surprised at his
departure and said he seem'd well and pleas'd at my Intention
of waiting on him, and that he would defer his departure to
Bath till the day after; I have heard he has spoke with good-
will of you. I've recd a Letr from your Brother William at
Cheltenham Waters, concerning you and him and of the
Political Views in Maryland 'tis a copious Letr I have sent it
to my Lord, the reason of my being so explicet is to give
you all satisfaction, and shall further upon yr Brothers return
when all matter and things shall be layed before them for his
Lordps mature Judgement; You may depend he is steady to
you and will defend you and be assured the same from me,
and that I will confront all Injury agt you, and compare your
rectitude in the due execution of all things against the malevo-
lence and Deceit and their ingratitude to you. Yrs the 12th of
Aug' is recd the Theodolite by this opportunity sent has Tripod
Legs and will serve the Telescope. The Subscription for the
Publication of the Province Laws by the Revd Mr Bacon and
delivered me amounts to £1100 Currency with addition of his
Lordps£2OO Sterling and my £50 sterlg which I pray you to
pay by deduction to me, in all will be a good consideration

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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
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