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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 549   View pdf image (33K)
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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 549

posed to us. If Your Ldp & Mess Penns shall upon Enquiry
find that this Instrument (which we are told cost about £70.
& was in Wiltshire last Spring) can be procured & that it will
answer the purpose for which we want it better than any other
that hath been yet invented We hope Your Ldp & They
will give Orders for its being sent to us by the first Opportu-
nity as we expect to proceed on the abovementioned Line the
Beginning of next Summer, & if the Gentleman who has the
Instrument in Possession or Those under whose Direction the
Parallel of London was to have been run think we may for
want of Experience be at a Loss to use it we shall be glad to
receive their Advice or Instructions. It being likewise appre-
hended that one of Short's Telescopes (of a foot & half or two
feet Radius) with an Object Glass Micrometer fitted thereto
by Dolland would facilitate or at least serve to verify the Men-
suration of the Lines, the Commissioners if the Expence
thereof will not be great would be glad to have such a Tele-
scope & Micrometer but if those which I sometime since
wrote to Mr Calvert for shall be already shipt They will suffi-
ciently answer the Purpose &c.
Letter Bk. IV
[Sharpe to Calvert.]

Newcastle on Delaware the 22d of Octr 1761.
A Vessel for Bristol being just about to fall down this River
I embrace the Opportunity to advise you of the Commissioners
having met here last Monday Evening agreeable to our last
Adjournment but I am sorry to inform you that the Surveyors
having been frequently interrupted by wet & cloudy weather
during the last Month have not yet extended the North Line
more than 77 miles Which we apprehend is 5 or 6 miles short
of the Distance it will be necessary to continue it. This being
the Case I imagine it will be ten or twelve Days before the
Mathematicians can have Data for Calculating the Course &c.
of the Tangent for I suppose the Line of Intersection to be run
from this Place must be extended 6 or 7 miles before it will
intersect it. If you will be pleased to recur to those Answers
which Dr Bevis gave to the queries you will perceive that he
seems to think it would be a good Way to ascertain the Point
from which the North Boundary of Maryland is to be run by
taking Observations with a quadrant or Sextant of at least six
feet Radius first at the Southmost Part of Philaa & again at
such place as we may guess to be about fifteen miles South of
that City & you told me that a quadrant of Ld Sterlings fit for
the purpose would be delivered to the Pennsylvania Commis-
sioners, nevertheless I find that not only Mr Leeds but also

p. 213

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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 549   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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