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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 546   View pdf image (33K)
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546 Correspondence of Governor Sharpe.

would have been an Address ag( him last Sessions, if the Govr
had not very abruptly prorogued the Assembly .... This I
incert to show to what abuse they are Arrived, also rehersing
alike to Merchants here whose Interest by their making a
Property of them, therefore they coincide with them, and
arrived is abuse about Mr Upton Scott; these are of consider-
ation, and altho no pretence for such unjust Behaviour, yet to
prevent uproar all may be settled by Mr Bordley's Acceptance
of Comissy Genl with Mr Ridout in his stead in the Naval
Office, this was my sense when I wrote to you first, having
no Idea it would be disagreable to any, and from preception
relative to Mr Ridout to New Persons settling in the Province,
and in Policy by Prudential Rule strictly observed by the Late
Lord, from Tryal otherways; To Mr Ridout, I have no Ex-
ception he is most suitable to me, my Judgement was discre-
tionary to him, in hopes of Provincial Reformation, which when
things are in combustion, they are not able to Effect: Your
good sense will excuse the freedom of my Plea on this matter,
the freedom of my Plea on this matter, as real friend to you
and your continuance, and proceeding from the Gift of reason
to a man to be a Light unto him.
Yours the 7th of Auge on mine the 8th of April and yrs the 3d
of Augt just recd that you have the Box and Doctor Bevis
Mathematician Answrs to Queries propounded by you with the
Instruments gives me pleasure, by the Return of the proceed-
ing of the Comiss" for running the Boundary Line by yrs the
22 of June the work keeps, tis a difficult transaction; of a
reflecting Telescope I will speak to my Lord yrs the 30th of
June, his Lordp Instructions grants yr request on Behalf of
John Bullen Junr Mr Lloyd the Recr Genl the same Instns relates;
inclosed are his Lordps Instructions to him as well as an
Original sent him for a new regulation of his revenues, and of
Which he can know no otherwise than from England, I have
warn'd him at times that another course would be sent from
hence; a New Recr Genl is wanted, I hope his resignation,
he'll give no attendance, his Distance from Annapolis, and
Riches casts all his attention and real service, he would do
Justice to my Lord and himself by Resignation in due time,
it would be Upright and generous Behaviour; for Successor,
I hope Mr Ridout and that he has strength of security suffi-
cient to offer. I had Entered him Comissary Genl his Lordp
signd the Instns and after Recall'd the Instns and on discourse
with him he agreed by Instns now sent, I obtain'd for your sute,
and to stop all others Applications, and relative, if the whole
or in part falls to Mr Goldsborough is your influence, I have
a regard for him and he has merit, evince him the Messrs Han-
bury have no hand, none knows, I cooperate with no Merchts

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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
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