Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 509
Myself in order that the plan might be effectually carried into
Execution, & as the first Article will be that the Agent shall
reside in this City or at least so near as that he might often
attend & see that every thing is regularly & punctually trans-
acted (the necessity of which might be set forth in such Instruc-
tion) I do not think it improbable that Colo Lloyd will willingly
resign & then he can have no Pretence for Murmuring. As I
have wrote in the fullest manner to Mr Calvert in relation to
the Alienation Fines desiring him to submit the same to Your
Ldp's Consideration I will not trouble Your Ldp by repeating
here what I have said to him on that Subject, but I beg leave
to inform Your Ldp that there never hath been since the
Country was settled any Money paid by the Keepers of Fer-
ries in this Province for Leave or Lycence to keep them most
of the Ferries over the Rivers in this Province are supported
& the Keepers of them paid by an Allowance made them
every year in the County Levy, & those who are not so paid
demand & receive from Passengers such Rates as they have
Letter Bk.IV
themselves settled. I perceive that in Virginia there is an
Act for Regulating Ferries & settling the Rates which Pas-
sengers are to pay at each of them, but the Keepers of such
Ferries are not obliged to pay any money for Lycences to
keep them, nor can I learn that there are any Lycenced Fer-
ries in the Northern Colonies except one from the City of
N York to Long Island, at the Disposal of the Corporation of
that City, & the Ferry over the River Skuilkill near Philaa
What are the other small Branches of Revenue which Your
Ldp says Colo Lloyd has not accounted for I cannot guess; I
will write to Mr Hopper & desire Copies of the Accounts of
Fines & Forfeitures which he rendered in 1755 & 1756
wherein Your Ldp says he gives as a Reason for not collect-
ing £20 therein charged that the Person forfeiting or fined
had runaway which might probably have been the Case it
being what I know often happens & perhaps all his Effects
had he not gone off would not have been worth half the
Money, for these Fines & Forfeitures generally arise from
Breaches of the Peace of which few except the lowest Sort of
People are guilty. In my Letter dated the 23d of May I
informed Your Ldp that Colo Lloyd had not paid any Money
for several Years towards the Support of the Charity School
which was set on foot in Talbot County & I shall now notify
to him agreeable to Your Ldps Instructions that he is not to
pay any more, & that Your Ldp has withdrawn Your Subscrip-
tion, As the Commissioners for running the Lines who met
according to Adjournment at Chester Town the 25th of March
were of Opinion that the Surveyors should have Instructions
to proceed in the same manner they had begun they will on
p. 186