p. 187
[Sharpe to Calvert.]
Annapolis 30th April 1761. transmitted by Capt Rothery,
Duplicate by Capt Walker. Tripl by
In my Letters of the 19th & 20th Inst I intimated to His Ldp
& Yourself my Apprehensions that the Lower House would
not join with me & the members of the Upper in an Address
of Condolance & Congratulation to our most gracious Sover-
eign unless we would suffer them to add a Clause reflecting
on the Upper House for rejecting the Assessment Bill & the
Bill which they have at times offered for the Support of an
Agent, as we could never think of countenancing such a pro-
posal & those who compose a Majority in the Lower House
seemed determined to make a Point of it the Gentlemen of
the Upper House & Myself have now transmitted a seperate
Address to His sacred Majesty & another to the Ld prry
begging the favour of him to present it, The Assessment
Bill having been again rejected I should now prorogue the
Assembly had the Committee of both Houses which hath been
appointed to examine into the proceedings of the Commission-
ers of the Loan Office & other publick Accounts made their
Report. I am.