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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 508   View pdf image (33K)
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508 Correspondence of Governor Sharpe.

Letter Bk. IV
p. 184
Forts on the Frontiers of that province. Having wrote fully
to Mr Calvert in answer to that Article of Your Ldsp's Instruc-
tions dated the 20th of Decr which I lately received & to those
parts of his Letters where he acquainted me with your Ldp's
pleasure that Mr D Dulany should be appointed Deputy Sec-
retary here in the Stead of Colo Tasker I will not trouble Your
Ldp on that Subject, farther than to inform you that when I issue
a Commission appointing Mr Dulany Secretary I shall issue
another appointing Mr Ridout Commissary General in his
Stead as Mr Bordley desires to be excused from acting in that
Office alledging that after the Indulgences which Mr Dulany's
Father out of a Desire of being popular & his Successors have
continued for many Years to give to people concerned in Ad-
ministrations it would be impossible for any Lawyer to act in
the Office of Commissary without either making himself a
Slave to the humour of such People or rendering himself
obnoxious & disagreeable by refusing to give every One
Advice on All Occasions & at all times when in fact as Com-
missary or a Judge of that Court he has no more Business to
do so than it is the Business of the Chancellor to advise every
Body that may think themselves entituled to Relief in Equity
& for this Reason he is of Opinion & indeed I do not know
but he may be right, that it would be better Some Person who
has not practised at the Bar should hold it for a while, how-
ever he has promised to give Mr Ridout his Advice freely on
all Occasions while he continues Commissary & to assist him
in any difficult Case which might happen to come before him
tho he supposes there will not be such a Case once in a
Twelve month. I shall only add that if it is not necessary
that the Commissary should be a Lawyer I believe Mr Ridout
will in a very short time make himself Master of the Business
as well as any Person I could appoint; I am convinced he
will have the strictest Regard to Justice & Equity & therefore
p. 185 untill Your Lordship shall be pleased to confer on him the
other Office you mention I hope you will favour him so far as
to approve of his Continuance in this. I am much pleased
that Your Ldp approves of what I took the Liberty to write
the 23d of May last concerning a Method which I think ought
to be pursued by such Person as may be entrusted with the
Management of Your Ldp's pecuniary Affairs here & am
much obliged to Your Ldp for the Regard you are pleased to
shew to my Recommendation. Encouraged by your Ldp's
favourable Acceptance of what I have already offered on this
matter I will as soon as a Prorogation of the Assembly shall
give me leisure, consider of, draw up, & take the Liberty to
transmit to Your Ldp such Instructions as in my opinion it
would be expedient for Your Ldp to give to the Agent & to

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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 508   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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