Letter Bk. IV
Majesty's Enemies to Peace but also lay them under a neces-
sity after a Peace shall be made of preserving it inviolate.
With the utmost Respect I am My Ld &c.
[Sharpe to Calvert]
Annapolis the 17th Octr 1 760. transmitted via N York, Du-
plicate by Capt Craymer.
In my Letter of the 12th Inst & Duplicate which together
with Lettrs to His Ldp were transmitted by the Fleet, One
Packett by Mr Browne a Partner of Mr Perkins's & another by
Capt McDougal I informed you that Colo Tasker was dan-
gerously ill, insomuch that I despaired of his Recovery; what
was then apprehended with regard to him having now come
to pass for the Fever under which he had languished these
three Weeks together with an inward Impostume carried him
off last night & deprived this Community of a valuable Member
I now take the Liberty to address you once more on behalf of
Mr Ridout & to request it as a particular Favour that you will
appoint him Your Deputy in the Stead of Colo Tasker which I
should not so earnestly desire was I not convinced that he will
approve himself worthy of the Favour & that neither His Ldp