[Monckton to Sharpe.]
Fort Pitt 17th October 1760
Yesterday Evening Major Rogers Arrived with Dispatches
from General Amherst, By which I have His Orders immedi-
ately to Relieve All the Garrisons in possession of The French
in Canada to the Southward & Westward of Lake Erie, Vizt
Detroit, Michillimachinac, St Joseph, & St Xavier, and Others
their Dependencies, All Canada being by the Capitulation of
the 8th of Septem: Added to the King's Dominions. As This
Sir must be done from the regular Troops You will Judge of
the small remains there will be for the Garrisons this Way. I
had some Time ago acquainted General Amherst of the Neces-
sity there would be for the Provinces Furnishing a Quota of
Men for the Winter Garrisons of These Posts. His Answer
to That is as follows. —
" I have only Time to Coincide with You in Opinion,
" that the Provinces ought by all means to Contribute
" towards Maning the Several Garrisons that are kept
" up for the Safety & Protection of Their Country, by
"leaving for that Purpose, during the Winter, a pro-
" portion of the Troops they have Raised for the Ser-
" vices of the Campaign."
From this Sir you will see the Necessity I am under of again
repeating to You my Sollicitations that you will in the Strongest
manner Inforce with Your Assembly the Demand of the Men
I have Allready made — A Duty they Owe to Their King &
Country, and for the Preservation of so Valuable an Acqui-
sition I am with much Regard, Sir
Your most obedient & Humble Servt
Governor Sharpe Robt Monckton