Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 459
inconsiderable. To this Continuing Bill entitled "An Act for
Easing the Inhabitants of this Province from the great &
unequal Burthen of the Additional Land Tax " I yesterday on
Your Ldp's Behalf gave my Assent, flattering myself that the
Letter Bk. IV
same Considerations which induced both Houses to agree on
this Bill will incline Your Ldp to approve of my passing it
into a Law. After this Bill had been carried thro the Lower
House they proceeded to Vote a Supply for His Majestys
Service thinking it expedient I suppose to save Appear-
ances a little & to seem to pay some Regard to General
Monkton's Requisition. In Consequence of such Vote & of
their Resolve that Two hundred men should be forthwith
raised in this Province & sent to General Monkton a Com-
mittee was Ordered to prepare a Bill for Granting a Supply of
£32,000 — Part thereof to be appropriated for the Support of
such Two hundred Men for the Space of six Months & the
Residue to pay off the Arrears that are due to the Soldiers
who were sometime in the Service of this Province & to the
Militia that have during the War served at Times on our
Frontiers. On Saturday last this Bill of theirs was sent to the
Gentlemen of the Upper House by whom being found to be
almost in every Respect the same that has been so often
rejected it was yesterday returned with a negative, as the
Members of the Lower House I am satisfied expected it would
be, nor is there any Probability of their offering any other
Supply Bill this Session. That General Monkton might not
depend on us for any Men & be disappointed I thought it my
Duty when I acknowledged the Receipt of his Letter (which I
must observe to your Ldp was wrote the 21st of Augst when
the Fate of Canada was uncertain) to tell him freely that I
could not after what had before passed entertain Hopes of the
Assembly's Doing any Thing, nor indeed do I believe that the
General himself had any Expectations from us when he wrote
to me or that the 200 Men which he applied for will be much
wanted. As I suppose that some Bills of little Consequence
which I understand the Lower House have still before them
p. 140
will be sent to & either rejected or passed by the Upper
House in a few Days I expect the Assembly will break up at
farthest the End of this week, nor do I know any Reason there
will be for convening them again (unless the Secretary of
State should send me another Letter) within these two years.
Not doubting but your Ldp knows eer this time that the whole
Country of Canada was on the 8th Day of Septr last yielded to
the Dominion of His Majesty I embrace this Opportunity
being the first that has offered since we received the agree-
able News) to Congratulate Your Ldp on that very interesting
& happy Event which it is hoped will not only incline His
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