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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 420   View pdf image (33K)
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420 Correspondence of Governor Sharpe.

Letter Bk. IV
p. 103
It gives Mr Ridout whom I presume you mean when speak-
ing of Mr Young's Letter you say " You imagine my Tran-
scriber blabs" no small uneasiness to know that you have
entertained so unfavourable an Opinion of him, however he
hopes that the inclosed Copy of a Letter from Mr Young will
satisfy you that he hath not been culpable with respect to
what occasioned your Suspicion; & indeed it would have been
extraordinary had my Proposal concerning Mr Young been
made known to him if he had from thence taken Occasion to
suggest that he was afraid my Intention towards him was
otherwise than he could wish; for you know it was my Inten-
tion when a Vacancy should happen to give him a Clerkship
(which would probably be worth £200 pr Ann or upwards,
instead of the two Offices that he at present enjoys, which by
his own Account do not bring him in much more than a hun-
dred Pounds a year, tho with proper management & Care I
believe they would produce near two hundred. I am satisfied
that what he told you about his Circumstances being very low
is too true, but who besides himself is to blame for that ? The
House wherein he lived sometime ago was indeed consumed
by Fire, tho he could not suffer much by that Accident since
it was not his own, & as the Fire broke out in the Day I
believe the Goods were all saved; however this is nothing to
me nor shall I say more concerning him that that whatever he
might have heard or imagined I have always been his Friend
& treated him in a Friendly mariner, &. shall be glad to have
it in my Power to provide for Him in the manner I have men-
tioned; but was I to give him Leave to sell the Offices he
p. 104 holds (which he has applied for) I should not only disoblige
Colo Henry who residing on Pocomoke has reason to hope for
& expect that Naval Office on Mr Young's being otherwise
provided for, but as the purchase money would probably be
soon spent he would then be destitute. As to the questions
which Mr Young says Colo Henry asked him some time ago
about the Naval Office of Pocomoke probably they proceeded
from meer Curiosity or perhaps from Colo Henry's having
heard as I also did that Mr Young had offered to sell that
Office, which proposal had I agreed to Colo Henry would have
been excluded from all Chance of ever being appointed to it,
but as Mr Young does not say what the questions were &
seems to acknowledge that he was to blame in Drawing such
a Conclusion from them as he did I will not trouble you any
farther on this Subject. As you do not tell me what particular
Information that Richards to whom you have wrote gave you
concerning the ill Collection of His Ldp's Rents payable by
the Tenants on the mannours & Reserved Lands in Baltimore
County I can say nothing in Answer to his Complaint or Intel-

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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 420   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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