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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 419   View pdf image (33K)
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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 419

wrote in such a manner as to induce the Proprietors of that
Province to Complain to His Ldp of Violence offered to their
Tenants by some of the Inhabitants of this Province. The
Transcripts which I shall herewith transmit (if Mr Ross can
get them ready) & mark with the Letter D will I believe con-
vince you that the Messrs Penns had in fact very little Cause
to complain & that all possible means have been taken by me
to prevent any Disputes between the Inhabitants of the two
Provinces for the future at least between those who live in
Worcester & Sussex Counties. Being unwilling to trouble
you with an imperfect Account I declined Writing to you on
this Affair expecting that the Gentlemen of the Council would
before this time have made a full Report to me upon all the
Letters & Depositions which I have laid before them, but
they have hitherto delayed doing it for want of some Informa-
tion which Mr Dulany & Colo Henry were in hopes of being
able to get from Sussex County & which they have not as yet
obtained. I am sorry you could not find that Act for Customs

Letter Bk. IV

which was passed here in the year 1646, perhaps you may
on farther Search discover something or other relative to it,
for as it was an Act of such great Consequence to the Ld
Propry not only a Copy of it but also Letters concerning the
manner of its being obtained (which I am told was uncom-
mon) were undoubtedly transmitted by Leonard Calvert Esqr
the then Governor. I have already sent you Copies of all the
Papers & all the Intelligence I can get here concerning Talbot
or Susquehannah Mannour. Doubtless it is a very confused
Affair & how to bring it out of Confusion I know not; The
Lawyers here seem to think that it will be difficult for any
Persons who are not in Possession to establish their Title to
the Mannour as Heirs or by Virtue of Deeds from either the
Patentee or his Son, & that twill be as difficult for His Ldp to
get Possession of any more of the mannour if the Pensilvanians
& others that occupy Parts of it are determined to dispute his
Title & Entry. To what the Difference between the Stew-
ard's Rent Roll or List of Tenants returned me & the annual
Amount of the Rents of that Mannour for which Colo Lloyd
gives His Ldp Credit is owing I know not, that matter Colo
loyd alone can explain; You'll be pleased to observe that
That Part of the Mannour which is held by Pensilvanians does
not lye on the Bay of Chesopeak nor on any navigable Water,
but as I have already hinted some Miles to the Northward of
it. I shall be extreemly glad to hear that Your Endeavours to
obtain Relief for the Maryland Troops met with Success; 'twill
be hard indeed if the Demerits of the Assembly are attributed
to those People whose Ruin they have devised & at whose
Misfortunes they rejoice.

p. 102

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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 419   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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