Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 421
ligence, but I find he ought not to be too easily Credited being
a Man of ill Character; his Place of Abode for some time hath
been the Prison in Baltimore County. Mr D Dulany is gone
to the Northward on Account of his Health, I understand that
he intends to proceed to Boston & that he does not think of
Returning to Annapolis till the latter End of the Summer; I
apprehend it will become Mr Tasker who resigned the Com-
missary's Office in his favour to advise him of its being his
Duty to make you the usual Remittance & I will hint as much
to Mr Tasker the next time I see him, or it I find it necessary
Letter Bk. IV
I will speak to Mr Dulany himself when he returns home. In
your Letter dated the 19th of Iany you desire me to consider
of a Plan for Raising a Sum of Money in Maryland to be
appropriated towards supporting such Troops as it may be
thought expedient to keep up in N America after the Conclu-
sion of this War: In my Opinion the most simple & least
burthensome would be that which I communicated to you the
10th of Iuly 1758, but since that was disapproved of (for what
Reasons you never told me) I submit to Your Consideration
the following one by which I think the Sum of £10,000 Stg
pr Ann might be raised & it is not very unlike the Scheme
or Mode of Taxation that hath been pursued this War in Vir-
ginia —
Let there be a Duty imposed of One Shilling & Six-
pence Stg pr Hhd on all Tobo exported which I 1 £.
suppose would produce exclusive of Commn for f 2100
A Poll Tax of 1/6 on each White Taxable (all Males
above 16 years old & under 60) suppose 2250
A Poll Tax of 2/ on each Negro Taxable (all Males
& Females between 16 & 60) suppose
Tax on Land 1/ pr 100 Acres 1700
Excise Three pence pr Gallon on Spirituous Liquors. 1950
The Duty on Tobo exported to be Collected as such Duties
have usually been by the Naval Officers, & to be by them
accounted for & paid to the Treasurers of the Province. The
p. 105
Poll Tax, Land Tax & Excise to be Collected by the several
Sheriffs as hath been usual & by them to be accounted for &
paid also to the Treasurers; The Naval Officers, Sheriffs &
Treasurers to be allowed such Commissions for Collecting or
Receiving & paying away the Money as they have been
usually allowed, vizt The Naval Officers Eight pr Cent. The
Sheriffs Ten pr Cent. The Treasurers Two & half pr Cent. &
Two & half pr Cent to be allowed the Rent Roll Keepers as
p. 106