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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 421   View pdf image (33K)
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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 421

ligence, but I find he ought not to be too easily Credited being
a Man of ill Character; his Place of Abode for some time hath
been the Prison in Baltimore County. Mr D Dulany is gone
to the Northward on Account of his Health, I understand that
he intends to proceed to Boston & that he does not think of
Returning to Annapolis till the latter End of the Summer; I
apprehend it will become Mr Tasker who resigned the Com-
missary's Office in his favour to advise him of its being his
Duty to make you the usual Remittance & I will hint as much
to Mr Tasker the next time I see him, or it I find it necessary
Letter Bk. IV
I will speak to Mr Dulany himself when he returns home. In
your Letter dated the 19th of Iany you desire me to consider
of a Plan for Raising a Sum of Money in Maryland to be
appropriated towards supporting such Troops as it may be
thought expedient to keep up in N America after the Conclu-
sion of this War: In my Opinion the most simple & least
burthensome would be that which I communicated to you the
10th of Iuly 1758, but since that was disapproved of (for what
Reasons you never told me) I submit to Your Consideration
the following one by which I think the Sum of £10,000 Stg
pr Ann might be raised & it is not very unlike the Scheme
or Mode of Taxation that hath been pursued this War in Vir-
ginia —

Let there be a Duty imposed of One Shilling & Six-
pence Stg pr Hhd on all Tobo exported which I 1 £.
suppose would produce exclusive of Commn for f 2100
A Poll Tax of 1/6 on each White Taxable (all Males
above 16 years old & under 60) suppose 2250
A Poll Tax of 2/ on each Negro Taxable (all Males
& Females between 16 & 60) suppose
Tax on Land 1/ pr 100 Acres 1700
Excise Three pence pr Gallon on Spirituous Liquors. 1950 10.000
The Duty on Tobo exported to be Collected as such Duties
have usually been by the Naval Officers, & to be by them
accounted for & paid to the Treasurers of the Province. The

p. 105
Poll Tax, Land Tax & Excise to be Collected by the several
Sheriffs as hath been usual & by them to be accounted for &
paid also to the Treasurers; The Naval Officers, Sheriffs &
Treasurers to be allowed such Commissions for Collecting or
Receiving & paying away the Money as they have been
usually allowed, vizt The Naval Officers Eight pr Cent. The
Sheriffs Ten pr Cent. The Treasurers Two & half pr Cent. &
Two & half pr Cent to be allowed the Rent Roll Keepers as
p. 106

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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 421   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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