414 Correspondence of Governor Sharpe.
Letter Bk. IV
ought I am of Opinion that he will be under a necessity of
keeping an exceeding good & trusty Clerk & such a one can-
not in this Place where every thing is extreemly dear be hired
for less than £100 a year & possibly the Agent must in Order
to bring Matters the sooner under proper Regulation let him
have for some time an Assistant; what the Agent's Income
might communibus Annis be estimated at I do not know but
presume it will well afford such Disbursements. — In case
Your Ldp should not think proper to choose Your Agent from
among the members that are already of the Council I do not
for my own part know any Objection that would lye against
the Gentleman whom in my Letter of the 27th of March last I
took the Liberty to recommend to the next Seat that might
become vacant at that Board, unless this might be deemed
one, that he has hitherto resided with me in the Character &
manner I mentioned to Your Ldp in that Letter. If it should
be thought that this is a Place of great Consequence for one
that has never been employed by Your Ldp in one of less
Importance, I can only say that that has been his Misfortune,
I have more than once expressed an earnest Desire to have it
in my Power to bestow one on him, & to convince him as well
as the Gentlemen of the Province how much I regard & esteem
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him. To what I took the Liberty to say to Your Ldp con-
cerning Mr Ridout in my abovementioned Letter I shall only
add on the present Occasion that altho he is not possessed of
an Estate which might be thought a sufficient Security for the
due Discharge of such a Trust as the Agency he can prevail
on many Gentlemen of Fortune in the Province to become
joint Sureties with him, or if that is not sufficient he has a very
nigh Relation in England that hath a Landed Estate in Som-
ersetshire worth upwards of £12.000 Stg who he is persuaded
would if Security is required to be given in England become
Surety to your Ldp on his Behalf. Should Your Ldp think
fit on Consideration of what I have written to approve of him
you will be pleased to send me particular Instructions for my
own as well as Instructions for his Conduct, or if your Ldp
shall think fit to Confer the Agency on another I hope you
will be pleased to permit me to bestow some other Office on
Mr Ridout as soon as an Opportunity offers — When I begun
this Letter I did intend to have wrote to your Ldp concerning
some other Matters mentioned in Mr Calvert's last Letters
particularly about a Transaction last year on the Borders of
Worcester County which it seems the Proprietaries of Pensa
have thought fit to speak of as if it had really given them just
Cause of Complaint, but as I fear this Letter of mine will
without my making it more prolix be tiresome to Your Ldp I
shall communicate what I have to say on that Affair to Your