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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 415   View pdf image (33K)
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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 415

Ldp's Secretary: but in Answer to the Question which Mr
Calvert asks concerning the Charity School the Plan of which

was set on foot some years ago by the Reverend Mr Bacon in
Talbot County It is my Duty to inform Your Ldp that for
want of a sufficient Number of Subscribers (the accidental
Donations that were expected falling short) the Scheme could
not be carried into Execution; There was a House built for
the purpose & a master nominated but the Expence of
Building having exhausted the Funds I think within two or
three years after my Arrival in the Province there was no
money left to maintain the Boys or pay the Master, & as
other Gentlemen from that time declined paying their annual
Subscriptions Your Ldp's Agent likewise declined paying any
more Money on that Account, of which I presumed he had
long ago given Mr Calvert Advice. Having by the inclosed
acknowledged my Receit of the Letter with which Your Ldp
was pleased to favour me the 8th of Jany last & of the Token
that I had the Happiness therewith to receive of Your Ldps
Regard & Friendship I shall only add that I am My Ld with
the utmost Respect &c.

[Sharpe to Calvert.]

26th May 1760 transmitted by Capt McGachin Duplicate
by Mr Lyle
I am now to acknowledge the Receit of Your Letter of the
18th of Novr last with a Postscript dated the 2yth of Decr & of
Your Lettr dated the 19th of Iany which I had the Satisfaction
to receive a few Days ago together with a Letter from His
Ldp & the valuable Testimony which he was at the same time

Letter Bk. IV
p. 95

pleased to send me of his Good Will & Approbation of my
Conduct. The Workmanship of the Box is admired by all
that have seen it, but the History of the Device on the Cover
&c. is as yet a Secret to us, I should take it as a favour if you
will be so kind as to explain it to me or desire the Maker to
do so. I sealed your Letter for Colo Lloyd & forwarded it to
him agreeable to Your Desire, & as you seem at length to
despair of his ever giving My Lord Reason to be satisfied with
his Proceedings & Management & to be of opinion that a
Resignation or Removal is extreemly probable I have also
according to Your Directions communicated to His Ldp my
Sentiments on a Plan to be pursued by any future Agent, the
Substance of which is this; That the Agent or Receiver Gen-
eral should be required to reside in Annapolis for unless he
does so, it will in my Opinion be absolutely impossible for him
to attend as he ought to the Management of His Ldps Affairs

p. 96

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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 415   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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