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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 413   View pdf image (33K)
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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 413

could not leave without his private Affairs suffering very con-
siderably; & as to Mr Bordley who is the Youngest Member
he is also a Lawyer & Your Ldp's Attorney Genl as well as
Naval Officer of this Port. Having given Your Ldp such
Information as on this occasion I thought necessary concern-
ing all the Gentlemen of the Council except Colo Lloyd to
whose Qualifications Your Ldp is no Stranger I must if your
Ldp will as Mr Calvert intimates choose your Agent out of
that Board submit it entirely to yourself to make the Election,
All I can say is that whosoever shall meet with Your Ldp's
Approbation may always depend on my best Endeavours to
render the Administration of his Office as easy to him as pos-
sible & I hope your Ldp will believe that as far as concerns
Letter Bk. IV
myself no Pains shall be spared to have Your Revenue
brought under a proper Regulation, but as I have often
hinted to Mr Calvert I cannot do any Thing of Myself unless
the Agent will perform his Duty. Mr Calvert in his Letter
hints that a Part of the Land Office might be appropriated to
the Use of such a Board as is mentioned in his Scheme or in
the former Part of this Letter, but as the Land Office is only
a small Room or Apartment in a Building called the Stadt
House & is always open except Sundays for People to have
Recourse to, This would by no means suit; nor indeed does
it seem necessary to have a particular Apartment appropriated
to the Use of such a Board, as there will be no Necessity for
our Sitting more than a few Days in a year & we may then
meet at the Council Chamber or the Conference Room
adjoining, whither the Agent may have his Accounts brought
on such an Occasion for Examination, & by way of Repository
for Counterparts of the Mannour Leases that may be granted,
of Counterparts or Copies of the Agents general Accounts, of
the Farmers Debt Books &c. a Kind of Book Case might be
erected in a Closet adjoining to the Conference Chamber at a
small Expence. Mr Calvert by His Letter seems likewise to
imagine that the Farm Contracts are did out to the Farmers
by the Rent Roll Keepers as well as the Debt Books, but that
is not the Method, the Contracts or Articles of Agreement
(as we term them) are executed by me & by the Agent did to
the Farmers who having properly executed them deliver to
him Counterparts of such Articles as well as Bonds for Per-
formance; for Your Ldp's better Information I will transmit a
p. 92
Copy of such Contract or Articles with a Copy of a Farmer's
Bond, but as this Proceeding (I mean the Exchanging Articles
& taking Bond from the Farmers) is regular & does not often
vary I do not imagine it would give Your Ldp any Satisfaction
to have Copies of all that are executed transmitted to you.
If the Agent whoever he may be will discharge his Duty as he
p. 93

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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
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