412 Correspondence of Governor Sharpe.
Letter Bk. IV
The Eldest at the Board Your Ldp knows is Mr Tasker the
President of whom I presume I need say nothing more than
that he was Agent till the Year 1753 when he desired Leave
to Resign, since which time Your Ldp also knows he was in
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Obedience to Your Ldp's orders appointed Commissary Gen-
eral, that finding himself unequal to the Office he desired Mr.
D Dulany his Son in Law might be joined with him & that
after some time he obtained Your Ldp's Leave to resign the
whole Office to his Son in Law who at present enjoys it. The
next oldest Member is Colo Charles Hammond who is one of
the Commissioners of the Loan Office & Treasurer of the
Western Shore, for what reason he was recommended to a
Seat at the Council I do not know, all I shall say more con-
cerning him is that I cannot think of recommending him to
the Office of Receiver General. As to Mr Philip Thomas he
is now such an Invalid that he hardly ever goes from home
nor is it expected that he will again enjoy a better State of
Health. Mr Chamberlayne is also I suppose upwards'of Sixty
years of Age & almost deaf, enough I conceive to disqualify
him for the Office in question. The next in order I think is
Colo Tasker who having been already so much favoured by
Your Ldp as to be appointed Deputy Secretary of the Prov-
ince will never choose to resign it for the Office of Receiver
Genl Mr Bt Calvert Your Ldp knows is at present one of the
Judges of the Land Office as well as one of the Collectors of
His Majesty's Customs in this Province (a very lucrative Place
procured for him by Your Ldp's Father) he has lately built a
House on a Tract of Land which the late Ld Proprietary like-
wise gave him about 30 miles from this City & spends almost
his whole time on his plantation, whether he would think it
worth while to resign his Share of the Land Office & remove
to Annapolis for the Office of Receiver Genl I cannot tell; I
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must do him the Justice to say that his Behaviour towards
myself & in the Upper House of Assembly has given me Satis-
faction. As to Mr Lee he is Settled down on Potowmack
(where he has lately built a good House) so much to his Satis-
faction that I much question if any other place that could be
offered him would induce him to resign his Naval Office there
& remove with his Family to Annapolis. Colo Goldsborough
who is the next oldest Councillor has for some time past
laboured under such a Disorder as hath rendered him abso-
lutely unfit for Business & must in a very short time inevitably
carry him off. Mr Dulany Your Ldp will remember is Com-
missary Genl & was he not, his Business as a Lawyer would
be a reason against my mentioning him on the present Occa-
sion. Colo Henry is very often laid up with the Gout & lives
in one of the most distant parts of the Province which he