Letter Bk. III
[Sharpe to Wm. Sharpe.]
29th Septr 1759.
Dr Br
Since I wrote to you the 24th Inst. the Officers who com-
manded our Provincial Troops & the Person that supplied
them with Provisions from the time that the Assembly dropt
'em till General Forbes ordered them to be victualled by the
Kings Commissary have put into my hands the Memorial that
I mentioned to you together with Copies of the Muster Rolls
& their Accounts; As I did not know but my Ld or Mr Cal-
vert might take it amiss if I transmitted these Papers to the
Secretary of State thro any other Persons hands I have directed
them all for Mr Calvert together with my Lettr for Mr Pitt but
as I much question whether he will choose to wait on the Sec-
retary of State upon such an Errand lest he should be ask't
some disagreeable questions I have intimated to him that if
he would rather decline the Office I flatter myself you will pre-
sent my Lettr to Mr Pitt & also that you or Br Phill will take
Charge of the Muster Rolls & Accounts & in Case they should
be called for will then deliver them to the Secretary of States'
Order. As I have wrote fully to Mr Calvert concerning the
Affair & he will if he desires Your Advice or Assistance
therein communicate to you the Contents of my Lettr It
would I apprehend be unnecessary to trouble you with a
longer one on the Subject, wherefore I shall only add that if
you will be so kind as to do the Officers & Mr Ross all the
Service in your Power it will give me great pleasure because
in the first place their Case is really such as entitles them to
Pity & if they succeed in the Application they are now making
the Assembly must believe that their Success is in a great
Measure owing to me, & the reasonable ones among us will
be apt to conclude from the Ministry's recompensing the
Officers for their Services that the Assembly's Conduct with
regard to them is not much approved of. When I wrote to
you the 13th Iuly I had thoughts of transmitting the Muster
Rolls &c. to the Earl of Loudoun but as I understand he