Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 365
sented Be pleased to advise me & I will communicate to them
whatever you shall think expedient. The Justices of Queen
Ann's County having recommended as a proper Object of
Clemency one Saml Osborne who lately forfeited the Sum of
£30 to the Ld Proprietary I have taken the Liberty to mention
the Man's Case to His Ldp & hope that when you lay before
him the said Osborne's Petition He will be inclined to remit
the Forfeiture. In my Lettr of the 4th Inst, I advised you of
the Enemy's having thought proper immediately on the
Reduction of Niagara to abandon all the Forts which they had
built at presquile on Lake Erie & on the Head Branches of
the Ohio River; Since that Event the Indians are it seems
all become very tractable nor have they lately presumed to
annoy any of the King's Forces which are employed to the
Westward or to commit any Act of Hostility whatever. What
a lucky Expedition was that agst Niagara for these Colonies,
for by all Accounts if General Prideaux had landed there two
Days later than he did the French & Indians who were
assembled at Venango & who were so unsuccessful in their
Attempt to relieve Niagara would have fallen down the Ohio
& attacked Pittsburg at a time when its Garrison was weak &
in want of Provisions, the Fort not defensible, & Brigr Stanwix
so far on this Side of it with the Rest of his Troops, that it would
have been impossible for him to have sent the Garrison any
Assistance. I was in hopes when I acquainted you the 13th of
last month with the Progress which General Amherst had then
Letter Bk. IV
made that he would have been at Montreal before this time
but it seems the French had so many Armed Vessels on Lake
Champlain that it was not prudent to attempt a Passage in
the Boats wherein his Army was transported over Lake
George without some Vessels of Force to convoy & cover
them & such Vessels could not be got ready before the Middle
of this month, however I am not yet without hopes that the
General is by this time again in motion & that notwithstanding
the Preparations which the French are said to have made at
the North End of the Lake for his Reception he will be able
to pay a Visit to Montreal before Winter, if Mr Wolfe can
remain up the River St Lawrence a few weeks longer. The
latest news which hath been received from that quarter being
inserted in our Yesterday's Gazette I shall herewith transmit
it & in the same Paper you'll see an Account of General
Gage's being gone down the River St Lawrence from Oswego
with a considerable Body of Soldiers & Indians to fall on a
Settlement which the Enemy have made at a place called La
Gallette or Oswegatchie. By Mr Cambell Mr Steuart's Partner
who charges himself with this Lettr & the Papers which I have
mentioned I shall likewise send you a Rent Roll for Calvert
p. 58