spends a good deal of time in Scotland & moreover that he
& MrPitt are not on the best Terms with each other I thought
it would be best to proceed in the manner that I have now
done, however I have advised His Ldp of the Officers having
addressed a Memorial to Mr Pitt & if you think his interesting
himself in their favour will be of Service I wish you would
communicate to him the first of my abovementioned Reasons
for not leaving the whole Affair to his management & endeav-
our to secure his Interest.
[Sharpe to Loudoun.]
29th Septr 1759.
My Ld
In the Letter which I had the honour to addres's to Your
Ldp the 28th of Augstiy58 I informed you that as General
Abercrombie would not make the Maryland Troops any Com-
pensation for their Services before Your Ldp left America I
had thought it my Duty to represent their Case to the Rt Honhle
Mr Secy Pitt; at that time I did expect that Brigr Forbes would
have taken Care to have seen them paid for their Services
during the time that he employed them, His Excellency
having by his Letter to me of the 2d of May 1758 engaged to
do so, but as unfortunately for them the General died before
the time when they were to have been paid off, the Officers
who survive are now in a worse Condition than they were
when Your Ldp left America, having never received from His
Excellency for themselves & their Companies more than about
one third part of the Pay which is due to them & most of that
they were obliged to expend last Summer in order to prevent
their Mens becoming entirely naked, wherefore having no
hopes of being ever paid by our Assembly both they & Mr
Ross who victualled them in Consequence Your Ldp knows
of Colo Stanwix's orders have drawn up a Memorial or State
of their Case which they have desired me to transmit to Mr
Pitt in hopes that they may by his means obtain some Relief
especially if Your Ldp will be so kind as to interest yourself
in their favour, which I am satisfied by a Letter that I lately
received from my Brother William Your Ldp does not want
inclination to do.
Letter Bk. III