364 Correspondence of Governor Sharpe.
Letter Bk. IV
& of mentioning the Muster Rolls I have inclosed two Letters
for him which are litterally the same except that in that
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marked C. I have told him that I have put the Muster &
Pay Rolls into Your hands to be did to his Order, & in the
Lettr mark't D. I have said that they are lodged with my
Brother for the same purpose, so that in Case you choose to
give Yourself any Trouble about the Affair you will be pleased
to present the first of the abovementioned Letters, but if You
would rather decline it & not choose to have Your Name
mentioned in my Lettr to Mr Pitt, then you'll be so kind as to
forward that marked D. to the Secretary's of State's Office, or
desire my Brother to present it, & lodge the Muster Rolls
with my Brother to whom I will write concerning them.
As you have been already at different periods advised of
every thing that passed relative to the Maryland Troops from
the time that they were raised untill they were reduced I need
not I presume trouble you with a tedious Narrative concerning
them, however I thought it would not be amiss to recapitu-
late to you what I have before written on this Subject, which
I have done in a Paper that you will find inclosed & titled
"The Case of Lt Colo Dagworthy & the other Officers who
lately commanded the Maryland Troops." Not knowing but
a good use might be made in Case Mr Pitt should enquire
strictly into the Affair of some Lettrs which the Earl of
Loudoun, Brigr Stanwix & General Forbes wrote at times
concerning the abovementioned Troops & which induced the
Officers to keep their Men together after the Assembly had
manifested their Unwillingness to support them, I shall like-
wise inclose you Copies or Extracts of those Letters sealed up
together in a Cover marked G. & if you'll be pleased to open
that Lettr of mine to Mr Pitt which you shall not think proper
to deliver You'll find in it both the Officers Memorial & also
one addressed to the Secretary of State by Mr David Ross
the Gentn that victualled our Troops whose Case is full as
hard as any of the Officers & who seems to have had rather
better Authority for Victualling the men than they had for
keeping them together & engaging for their Pay. His Ac-
counts are inclosed with the Muster Rolls upon a Supposition
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that if either should be called for they will both be wanted at
the same time. Had not Mr Ross & the Officers already
advanced so much Money that they cannot advance any more.
I would have advised them to send home a Person to sollicit
their Affair but as that is truly their Case & it is so very uncer-
tain what will be the Issue or Success of any Application that
can be made I did not press them to take that measure,
however if you shall think it necessary or proper for them to
take any farther Steps after their Memorial hath been pre-