wounded were made prisoners of War & as the officer set out
the King made his Entry into Breslaur; These are the Glor-
ious success's of the Prussian King, who from real Peril &
Bravery with peculiar Abbities is stil'd Magnanimous ! Sr John
Mordaunt after enquiry of his Conduct & Court Martial by
report is Honbly Acquitted —
Having not time at present to write to Mr Lloyd please to
inform him that the following totals are of all the Bills recd
from him 1757 remittance short Indeed £ 2457: 15: 11
£1885: 8: 101/2 £675: 9: 4 £645: 8: 9 £221: 16: 71/2
£202: 4: 8 I have write in 1757 Vizt To you the Govr April
7th Aug[ 12th Octr 23d with Ldps Instructions Oct. 23d Lps Novr
18 & Do 22d To Mr Lloyd. May 10th Octr 23 & Nov. 22d To Mr
Bordley May 1th & Octr 23d To Tasker Iunr May 10th & Octr
23d To Tasker Senr Nov. 18th To all I've recd no answer
acknowledging the receipt of them, please to inform the
Messrs Tasker I've recd their Orders for their paymt up to
Christs last for wch I return them much Thanks.
N. B. The Contents of his Lordps Instns Octr 23d 1757 were
confirmg all the Laws 1756 & in April 1757 pass'd by you &
recomdg to you to adjust with Mr Bordley & Mr Lloyd the
demand of Tunage on Iron Oar Vessells & to settle the same
on his Lordps Acct & to reject the virginian Petition concerning
be not defficient in the Corespondence to Mr Pitt I shall
write by the March Convoy.
[Capt. Peregrine Brown to Sharpe.]
Honoured Sir :
In Obedience to your late Instructions given me after
ordering the Company of Militia under my Command to be
warned in by the Officers of the Company, when on their
Meeting I proposed to march as directed to Fort Frederick
and directed them to do so, and not more than ten of the
Company would obey such my Instructions, tho' I cannot at
the Same time but think it my Duty to inform your Excel-
lency in Justice to the people that I really believe the Cause
to proceed from Persons who, I shall forbear to say any other
ways than by the inclosed Copy of a Letter which came to
Hand and is yet the fullest Evidence I can yet come at in this
Matter, tho' am of Opinion that on a full Enquiry a more cer-
tain Knowledge of the Facts may be had. As the Numbers
of the Men willing to march are so few, am at a Loss to know
till your Excellency is pleased to signify your farther Pleasure
what to do.
I am of Opinion that if one of the Field Officers had
attended the Company, and given Orders for the March of
those Men that more of them would have gone.
Liber J. R.
& U. S.
p. 219