132 Correspondence of Governor Sharpe.
Liber J. R.
& U. S.
Your Excellency was pleased to direct a Return of such as
refused to march to be made to a Magistrate, it has already
been industriously reported that I am solely to blame in this
Matter, and that if I make a Return of those refusing that I
shall be the Cause of the Calamities of such who for their
Disobedience are punished, or Words tending that way.
If your Excellency should be pleased to direct one of the
Field Officers to attend one meeting of the Company, and if
any disobedient and refuse to go, that the Field Officer may
make such Return as your Excellency may think proper and
direct it would in a very great Degree free me from the heavy
Charge against me just mentioned.
After begging your Excellency's Favour in the Matter just
named shall await your farther Orders which shall be chear-
fully obeyed by
Your Excellency's most obedient and very humble Servt
Jan: 18: 1758 Peregrine Brown
p. 220
[Lloyd to Sharpe.]
According to your Excellency's Directions I gave Captain
Peregrine Brown his Orders with the necessary Warrants for
pressing Carriages and provisions the 26. of Decr I went
immediately after to Wye, upon his Return from Annapolis
he told me he had brought as far as Dockery's a Packet from
your Excellency for me but that by Mistake he had sent it to
Col: Tilghman instead of one directed for him, if he had any
such Packet I can't conceive what is become of it as it is not
yet come to my Hands. I then advised immediately to call
his Men together and either proceed to the Fort immediately
or make Returns of those Men that refused to go, he met
them the 16: Instant when he informs me Every Man refused
to march. I this Day in the most pressing Manner called
upon him to tell me positively whether he could return Cer-
tificates or not but can't get any answer.
The Doctrine here is that the Law put in Execution will
absolutely ruin the Country that there is no Penalty on the
Captain if he refuses to return Certificates, that the Men by
that Means escape Punishment. Captain Brown has lately
embarqued in the popular Way and has 1 am told received
Threats in Case he does any thing that will distress the
People, suppose this has some Influence on him. Captain
Browne shewed me a Letter from Mr. Hands to him in which
he lets him know your Excellency directs that he shall give
him a positive Answer immediately, whether he will march or
not, and when. I am with the greatest Respect your most
obedt humble Servant
January 18: 1758 Richard Lloyd