Came before this board Mr Francis Ienkins Sher: and Mr
Thomas Iones Commisioner of Sumerset County and made
Complaint That by the default and absence of their Clerke
the County Levy and other the Counties buisines had bin
retarded and delayed for want of Courts being of late held.
Ordered that an Instrument be drawne for the setling all
matters in the said County which follows vizt
To the Comissioners for the peace and tryall of causes of
Sumerset County Court and to all others to whome those
presents shall come Greeting Whereas it is complained to
his Lordsps Council that there has bin noe tryalls either for
Criminalls or betweene any other person or persons in the
County Court of Sumerset County since the last november
Court then and there held by reason in some part of the
absence of the Clerk of the same County Court and some
disputes have happened whether the former comissions by
which the Iustices of the said court did formerly sit were fallen
or not Wee doe therefore for quieting and setling of all
matters and for the Laying of the County Levy for the last
yeare which is not yet layd and the bringing to tryall of all
matters and causes Declare publish and order That the County
Levy be layd the last Tuesday of this present month of Aprill
and that all causes whatsoever come to tryall in Iune Court