Ordered by this board that noe warrants for lands for the
future issue out of Sumerset County or any other County of
the province But that all persons repaire to the office of
St Maries for the same and there give caution for the same to
his Lordsp the Lord Propry The aforesaid Mr Francis Ienkins
acquainted this board that powder and ball is much wanted
they haveing litle or none in their County
Ordered that there be some powder and ball delivered at
Mattapany by his honr Coll Darnall to Capt William Whit-
tington when he shall call for the same.
[An imperfect index follows, and then this colophon.]
September the 8th 1686 Reced of the Honble
Coll Willm Digges these Records belonging
to the Council as foll' vizt
HH Counsell Booke Anno 1656
II Counsell Booke Anno 1669 70
RR & RRR Counsell Book 1671 and 1683
CB Counsell Booke of Lands 1679
A Counsell Booke Anno 1677
CB Counsell Booke Anno 1683
B State Counsell Booke (viz: this Booke)
anno 1686
the above as aforesaid Reced
p Jam. Heath
Cl Consil