Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-89. 7
Digges or the honble Coll: Edw: Pye) to answer the contempt
aforesaid the which precept issued as foll vizt:
Liber B.
P. R. O.
The Deputies, Lieutenants to the Sheriff of Charles
Town greeting You are hereby Comanded to take
Thomas Hussey of your County if he shall be found
in yor Baliwick and him safe keep so that you have his body
before us the said Deptys Lieuts and his Lops Councill at the
City of St Maryes the first Tuesday in Aprill next then and
there to answer unto his Lop the Rt Honble the Lord Proprietor
by us his Deputies of a certain contempt by him comitted
against a warrant granted by the honble Coll: Hen: Darnall and
Maj: Nicholas Sewall two of the Deptys Lieuts of this Province
and of his Lops Councill to forbid any persons hindring or
molesting Man, horse or cart to pass and repass with Pro-
visions and necessaryes for the Comrs of Charles County
Court at their Court house in said County and you are not to
lett the said Thomas Hussey to Bail untill he gives good
security before the honble Coll. Wm Digges or the honble Edw:
Pye for his appearance at the time and place aforesaid and for
his good Abearance and behaviour in the meantime as well
towards his Lop as the Deputies Lieutenants as all other the
good People of this Province hereof fail you not at your Perill
and see that you then and there make return of this Precept
served dated the 6th day of March 1687.
Signed p order
Jam: Heath
p. 132
agat Hussey
The said Lynes further prayed Sumo might
issue from this Board to the said Sher: of Charles
County to sumo John Alwood, Ralph Shaw, John
Bucher Wm Hawly and Benja Hobson as evidence against the
said Hussey to make appear the contempt aforesaid the which
accordingly issued.
Charles County
Comrs pet:
Robert Carvile in behalf of the Comisrs of
Charles County Court humbly presented an Or-
der by the said Court made and the said Comissrs Pet at the
foot thereof which followeth vizt
At a Court of the Rt HonobIe the Lord Propry held at Por-
tobacco in Charles County on the 10th day of Janry 1687 by his
Lops Justices thereunto assigned
Capt Ignatius Causeen
Capt Wm Barton
Mr Henry Hawkins
Major John Wheeler
Mr John Courts
Mr Rando Hanson