6 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/ 8-89.
Liber B.
P. R. O.
this murther was comitted vizt What the occasion was and
what nation of Indians they are that have comitted the said
murther and their names if possible, that if they be of the
Nanticokes wee may demand them according to the Articles
of Peace lately made with that Empr and in the mean time you
are peaceably to demand the said Indian or Indians murtherers
where you understand they are, but use noe force till further
orders unless it be to defend yourselves against the said
Indians or any others that shall assault you, wee take notice of
the long time this mesenger has been comeing and therefore
desire you will send a more carefull one for the future which
is all at present from
Yor Lo: Friends
Henry Darnall
Wm Digges
St Maryes Feb: 28th 1687. Nicholas Sewall
To Coll. George Wells
in Baltemore County.
p. 131
At a Councill held at St Johns the 6th day
of March 1687.
Coll. Darnall
The honble Coll. Digges
Mr Wm Hill
Phill: Lynes
informes agat
Tho: Hussey.
Phillip Lynes of St Maryes County being
admitted informed their honors that whereas he
in the behalf of the Comissioners of Charles
County Court had obtained of the honble Coll: Henry Darnall
and the honble Major Nicholas Sewall their warrant to forbidd
and require all persons whatsoever not to hinder nor any way
obstruct or disturb the usuall passages of man horse or carts
for the publick benifitt of the said County in supplying the
said Court with necessary Provision untill the present dispute
about the laying out the Court house Lott were decided
that notwithstandg the said warrantor precept Thomas Hussey
of the said County of Charles has and does molest, hinder and
disturb as well the said Lynes as alsoe those persons he
imployes to carry Necessaryes as aforesaid although the said
warrant hath been showed unto him which he refuseth to obey
but standeth in contempt thereof.
Order for
precept to
bring Tho:
before the
Whereupon was issued precept to the Sheriff of
Charles County to bring the said Thomas Hussey
before the board on the first day of the next pro-
vinciall Court (and not to lett him to Bayl unless
he gives good security before the honble Coll: Wm