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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 565   View pdf image (33K)
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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1692-1694. 565

of opinion that the Governor and Councill of Maryland be

directed to give Sir Thomas Lawrence a Copy of the Articles
transmitted against him and that he return his answer unto
them to the End their Majesty's pleasure thereupon may be
known and that in the mean time Sir Thomas Lawrence be
set at Liberty and be restored to his places of Councellr and
Judge of the Provinciall Court and that he receive no Moles-
tation or disturbance in the enjoyment of the Office of Secre-
tary of Maryland according to His Majesty's former order in
Councill of the second of March last and that permission be
given in Maryland to examine all persons that shall give Evi-
dence in this matter without any hindrance or discountenance
to such persons as Sir Thomas Lawrence shall desire to be
examined on his behalf.

P. R. O.

B. I. Vol. 8.

Maryland Port of Annapolis Decembr the 8th 1696
Then Came John LLewellin Gent late Clerk of his Majestys
honble Council of this Province before his Excellency in
Council & made Oath that this Journal from foll* 1 to foll 133
does Contain the full Accot of all Proceedings had & taken
during the Govt of his Excellency Govr Copley according to
the best of his remembrance & knowledge
H Denton Cl Consil
*memd the above Reference
from Fol 1 to Fol 133 refers to
the Book from
whence this was Annapolis June 4th 1697
May it please your Lordships
Upon Perusall of a former Iournall of Govr & Council in
the time of his late Excellency Lionel Copley Esqr we find a
Letter signed by severall of us directed to Mr Peter Paggen
& dated 21st of Decemr 1692 & being apprehensive that his
present Excellency Francis Nicholson Esqr our Govr is very
much reflected on thereby we humbly beg Leave of your
Lordships to do his Excellency what Justice we can by ac-
quainting your Lordship with the Reasons & Motives of that
Letter & what we know of our own knowledge of his present

Liber K.

Excellency since that time it was purely at the Instance
and averment of his said Excellency Lionel Copley Esqr &
Mr Blakiston who was the only person with whom he per-
mitted any private Conference or imparted Secrets to; both
of whom did assure us that they had great Reason to suspect
such things as are mentioned in the first part of that Letter, &
said, that they had several Informations & should in some
time get proof of such practices in his said Excellency Frances

p. 275

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 565   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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