Darnal having to him the said Greenberry as also to this
Board positively disowned & denied & to have any such
Bonds in his Custody or to know where or in whose pos-
session they may be, the said Collo Greenberry hath moved &
it is granted unto him that the said Certificate may be
recorded in the Journall of this Board there to remain to pos-
terity in discharge of the said bonds from any future pretence
or claim thereunto the said Certificate produced being well
viewed & approved of by this Board to be good Sufficient
& Substantial Law to all intents & purposes to discharge the
same Port of Cowes
Know yee that Iohn Thurber Commander of the
Ship Philip of New York from Maryld his Majstys Plan-
tation in America hath duly Entred in this Port the
[sealed] 31st of May last & the 6th inst Iune & put on Land two
hundred & fifty hhds & a pcell in Bulk Maryland To-
bacco being all the Goods & Merchandize taken in at
his Majestys said Plantation in America & wch hath
paid his Majestys Subjects & additional Duty in dis-
charge of his Bond this Voyage taken by the chief
Officers at the port of Pottuxt in Maryld aforesaid as
[sealed] P Certificate thence dated the 8th of April last under
the hand & Seal of Henry Lowe Collector witness
our hands & Seals of Office this 10th of Iune 1684