Nicholson Esqr as are there mentioned & thereupon the Clerk
havg by Order as we Conceive prepared a Letter for us to
sign it was tendered to us & we desired to sign it which we
did but never after heard any proof of those Allegations nor
any thing more of them but since that upon better acquaint-
ance & knowledge of his Excllcy Govr Nicholson we find the
direct Contrary principles in him to what was then asserted
that he is so far from disaffecting the then & present consti-
tution of Government that it hath been his greatest Care &
Study to preserve & improve the same by the best measures
& means he can And as to Countenancing Papists &ca we
find nothing in him tending that way unless it be his Admin-
istring Iustice to them where it is due without distinguishing
one Sect from another but on the Contrary our Iournals of
Assembly & all other Records make appear & we are assured
that none has ever done more by his perswasions Example &
large Gifts to propagate the Protestant Religion in this prov-
ince than he