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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 563   View pdf image (33K)
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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1692-1694. 563

By the Govr & Council Augst 25th 1693
Maryland ss

Ordered that the Sheriff of Talbot County take into his
custody the Body of Peter Sayer of the same County Gent &
him safe keep so as to have him before their Majestys Iustices
of the Provl Court at the next Provl Court to be held at St
Marys the first tuesday in Octr next to answer what shall then
& there be Objected agst him on their Majestys Behalf & also
that he summons Robt Ungle Robt Gouldesborough, Iames
Benson, Dominick Kirwan & Margarett Pope that all excuses
set apart they & every of them be also & appear at the time
& place afd to testify the truth of their knowledge on behalf of
their said Majestys against the said Sayer whereof Let them
not fail at their perill
Signed p Order
J LL Cl Consil

Liber K.

At the Complaint of Mr Iohn Craycroft upon some difference
& dispute between him & Mr Lynes depending before the
Assembly on a writ of Error brought by the said Lynes that
the said Lynes by his tedious delays & putting of from time
to time the filing of his errors endeavours to protract & tire
Out the said Craycroft & keep him out of his just right the
follo Order of this Board was Ordered to issue (vizt)

By his Exncie the Govr & Council Augst 25th 1693
Maryland ss
Ordered that Mr Philip Lynes do within ten days from the
date hereof file or Cause to be filed with the Clerk of the
Council his Errors assigned upon a writ of Error by him
brought against a Iudgment obtained against him by Mr Iohn
Craycroft in the Provincial Court to the end that Copies
thereof may be given to the said Craycroft or his Council in
due time to answer the same & that peremptorily they come
to a hearing about the beginning of the next Assembly
Signed p Order J LL Cl Consil

The honble Collo Nicholas Greenberry having pursuant to
a former order of this Board demanded of Mr Henry Darnal
the surrender up of his Bonds formerly passed in this Province
as security for Mr John Thurber Commander of the Ship
Philip of New York for the due Navigation of the said Ship &
paymt of her Duties according to Law for which he hath pro-

p. 272

duced Certificate from the chief Officers of their Majestys
Customs in the port of Cowes of having fully Complyed there-
with according to Law or to have the said Certificate endorsed
on the back of the said Bond in discharge thereof & the said

p. 273

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 563   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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