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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 562   View pdf image (33K)
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562 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1692-1694.

Liber K.
p. 270

The Deposition of Robert Gouldesborough aged
about Twenty Nine Years or thereabouts
The Deponent upon Oath taken upon the holy Evangelist
saith that he about the beginning of last March past being at
Oxford Town at the house of Mr Iohn Pope in Company with
Collo Peter Sayer Mr Robt' Ungle Captain Richardson &
Capt Iames Benson & some others whose names this Depont
cannot at present Call to remembrance Collo Sayer begun a
discourse concerning the late Revolution both in england &
here & said that he did admire that King William being so
wise a King as he was reputed to be should be lead by such a
Damn'd Crew to invade his Fathers right & swore that he had
rather see the Turkish Religion flourish in England then the
Protestant Religion this Depo' asked him why so the said
Collo Sayer made him this Deponent this answer because
they were all of One mind & the protestants were not then
the said Sayer said he would lay a wager that Capt Nicholson
was Govr of this Province within a twelve month wch is all
this Depont Can remember he going frequently upon some
Occasion or other out of the Room
Iurat 23 Die Iunij Anno R: Gouldesborough
Dom 1693 coram me
L Copley

The Deposition of Robert Ungle aged Twen-
ty two Years or thereabouts (vizt)
That being in Company with Mr Robert Gouldesborough
Cap'lames Benson Capt Ino Richardson about the beginning of
March Collo Sayer began a Discourse about the late Revolu-
tion & said that he admired that King William being so wise

p. 271

a Prince as he Was Reputed to be should be led by such a
Damn'd Crew to invade his Fathers right & swore that he had
rather see the Turkish Religion flourish in England then the
protestant & afterwards begun a health to Collo Nicholson
which ended with his Offer to lay a wager that the said Coll0
would be Govr of Maryland within Twelve Months the De-
ponent further saith that he used several Opprobious Expres-
sions against the present Governor Collo Copley as that he
was a pityful fellow & such like Expressions which at present
the Deponent remembreth not & further this Deponent saith
Iurat 23o Die Iunij Anno R Ungle
Dni 1693 coram me
L: Copley

Upon hearing & Due Consideration had of the foregoing
Depositions was issued the follo prascept (vizt)

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 562   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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