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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 561   View pdf image (33K)
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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1692-1694. 561

invade his Fathers right & swore God damn em all for a Com-
pany of heretick Dogs Especially the Church of England who
were the worst of all the Seperatists from the Church of Rome
& again Swore by God that the Turkish Religion was better
then the Protestant Religion & that he had rather see that
Religion flourish in England then that damn'd Protestant
Religion that discourse ended Collo Sayer took up a Cup of
Drink & drank a health to the late Govr Nicholson of Virginia
& Swore by God he did not question but he would Come in
Govr of Maryland in less then Twelve months whereupon
Mrs Pope Replied she had heard a very good Character of Govr
Nicholson but that it was not like a Gentleman to Circumvent
his friend the present Govr Copley whereupon the said Sayer
bid God damn Govr Copley for a Rebell & pityful Rascal &
swore by God that he was sure that Governor Nicholson
never had any kindness for such Villains as Copley was add-
ing that the present Governmt was in a Languishing Condi-
tion & so drank a health to the sick Govt every one pledging
except Mr Gouldesborough who thereupon went out of the

Liber K.

Company then Collo Sayer Swore by God that Copley had
sent twice for him but said God damn him he scorned to wait
upon such a pityful fellow as Copley was & that there could
not be a greater Rebell under heaven
And then he drank King Iames's health not Doubting as he
said but by that time he was Come to Whitehall to the Con-
fusion of all that rebellous Crew which had dethroned him
which was also pledged by all Gouldesborough excepted
being not then in Company which was all I took Notice of at
that time the next morning the Deponent had Occasion to
pass by him not paying that respect he Would have done had
he not heard the foregoing Discourse whereupon the said
Sayer made Enquiry who the Depont was & some Body told
him he was Collo Blakistons kinsman they thought he asked
the Depont if it was so the Deponent answered what then
when then replied Collo Sayer if it be so I do not question but
in a very Short time tp see that Rogue Blakiston with some
other Rogues now at St Marys & your self hanged to wch the
Depont made no reply but went out of the Company &
further saith not
Willm Wheeler
Iurat 15 Die May Anno Dom 1693
L: C
Endorsed vizt
The within Deposition was sworn
before us the day & year within mentioned
Nea Blakiston
Ino Addison

p. 269

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
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