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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 560   View pdf image (33K)
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560 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1692-1694.

Liber K.

Information being given to the Board that some psons had
reported & told Mr William Sharp of Talbot County or said
in his hearing that King Willm was proclaimed a Traytor by
the Confederates Ordered that a Letter be Writ by the
Clerk to the said Sharp requiring him to Come downe with
all speed to discover & make known as near as he can the
first Author thereof accordingly was writ & sent to him as fol-
lows (vizt)

August 25th 1693
Mr Sharp

p. 267

Information being this day given to the Govr & Council
that some persons towards the head of the Bay have lately at
your house or in your hearing uttered several false mutinous
& Seditious speeches to the dislike of their Majestys Subjects
the good people of this Province (vizt) that King William was
proclaimed a Traytor by the Confederates &ca you are desired
& by his Excellency required forthwith to give your personal
attendance here at the City of St Marys to testify the truth of
your knowledge concerning the same & in the meantime to
recover in your memory what Possibly you Can to discover
as far as may be the first Author & Divulger thereof in order
to be proceed against according to Law & the demerits of
the case
Your humble Servts

Produced & read p Order these following Depositions (vizt)

The Deposition of William Wheeler
aged Fifty Years or thereabouts
The Deponent upon Oath taken on the holy Evangelist
saith that on or about the third day of March last past he
being at his Lodgings at the house of Mr Iohn Pope in Talbot
County one Dominick Kirwan a Lodger also in the said
House acquainted Mrs Pope that Collo Peter Sayer intended
to come & see her who Answered he should be welcome to
any thing she could procure & forthwith the said Sayer with
several others Came with him the most noted of which or
such as I had any acquaintance with were Captain Richardson
Commdr of the Ship Endeavour at Oxford Captain Benson of

p. 268

a Troop of Horse Robert Gouldesborough Atty at Law
Mr Robt Ungle a Mercht Mrs Dominick Kirwan Mr Pope &
his Wife with several others of the Irish Nation unknown to
your dept by name Collo Sayer began to discourse of the
late Revolution both at home & here & swore God damn him
he did admire how that King William being so wise a King
as was said he should be ruled by such a damn'd pcell of
Rogues as the Parliament of England was & to Come to

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 560   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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