Upon reading whereof & the same being Duly Considered
It was thought fit & Ordered that the follo precept be Directed
to Capt Ino Bigger (vizt)
By the Govr & Council Augst 25th 1693
Ordered that Captain Iohn Bigger forthwith upon receipt
hereof demand & take of Collo Henry Iowles Bond in five
hundred Pounds Sterl with two Sufficient Sureties in the Sum
of Two hundred & fifty Pounds Sterl each for his the said
Jowles future good Behaviour whereof he hath already made
a Breach & for his appearance at the next provincial Court to
answer what shall then & there on their Majestys Behalf be
objected against him & in Case the said Iowles shall deny or
refuse to give such Bond & Security as aforesaid then the
said Bigger is to take him into Custody until he shall so do
To Capt Iohn Bigger Signed p Order
in Pottuxen LL Cl Consil