out of the Depont told him that as he was a Gentleman
if he would like a Gentleman submit himself quietly to his
Custody he the Deponent would be civil to him otherwise
must take him by Force & thereupon Clapt him into the
Custody of Mr Thomas Collier the said Iowles flew out into a
Passion & said they had forced him to give bonds & now
God damn 'em they would beat him to make him break his
Bonds & when he came down before the Govr & Council he
would declare what he thought before them all & several
other words to that Effect but after some space of time & his
heat being over he promised this Depont & said upon the
word of a Gent that he would upon their Honours to which
the Deponent gave Credit & discharged the said Collier from
his further attendance on him & on the day appointed this
Deponent went to his house where he met with the said
Iowles Wife who told this Deponent the Collo was very sick
& she was afraid he would dye the Deponent said he must
see him she then Conveyed him to the Chamber where the
said Jowles Lay who told this Deponent he was sorry he was
sick & Could not go with this. Deponent according to his