Inhabit or reside within their said Respective Countys as to
all & singular the Respective Deputye & Delegates of the
ffreemen thereof thereunto elected & chosen that all excuses
& Delays set apart they & every of them be & personally
appear at the sd City of St Marys on the said Twentieth day
of September next to do & Consent to those things which
then & there by the Favour of God shall happen to be Or-
Given at the sd City of St Marys the 25th Day of August
Anno Dom 1693 In the 5th Year of the reign of our Sov-
ereign Lord & Lady King William & Queen Mary &c
God save King Willm & Queen Mary
Memd the Assembly which was porogued by order of
Council May the 10th last Prorogued from the 20th of the said
month on which day it was then to sit to the 20th of Iuly foll0
was by his Excellency afterwards further prorogued from the
said 20th of Iuly to the 20th of this Instant August & from
thence again by his Excellency further prorogued to the 13th
of October as is mentioned in the above Proclamation
Were produced & Ordered to be read these follo Depositions
The Deposition of Richd Southern of Calvert County Gent
aged Fifty Years or thereabouts (vizt)
The Deponent upon Oath examined saith that on the 21st
day of August Instant p Vertue of a prsecept to him directed
p the honble Nea Blakiston Esqr the 18th day of the said
month he this Deponent went therewith to the house of Collo