Fleet are limited to Sixty days time staying here which will
expire before the Assembly Can have met at the time to
which they now stand porogued & have fully Compleated
their Business to be represented home by their Returne for
that & divers other good Causes of great weight & moment
for their Majestys Service it is advised & resolved that the
Assembly be conveened by Proclamation to sit at St Marys
the 20th of September next & accordingly proclamation issued
as follo (vizt)
By his Excllcy the Capt Genl
A Proclamation
Maryland ss
Whereas the Genl Assembly of this Provs begun & held at
the City of St Marys the tenth day of May Anno Dom 1692
by adjournment & several porogations since stands now
porogued to the 13th day of October next ensuing & foras-
much as at present several matters of great moment &
import to their Majstys Service & the good & Welfare of this
Province do offer themselves to the Consideration of the said
Assembly & Require their Meeting in order thereunto sooner
then at the time Appointed as aforesaid I have therefore by
& with the Advice & Consent of their Majestys Council
thought fit & I do hereby fully resolve determine & Ordain
that the said General Assembly be conveened & held at the